> Our Story – Milestones Baby

Our Story

This year, I became a mother. Amongst all the new and wonderful responsibilities I now carried, I felt what any new or experienced parent feels- the desire to capture as many moments as I could. Like many, I quickly began filling my camera roll on my phone with.. a few too many photos and videos. But between the sleepless newborn nights, recovery, (and postpartum hormones), sometimes this excitement was overwhelming and even stress-inducing. The new parent "FOMO" was becoming a burden.

The idea for Milestones came one night as I was desperately searching Amazon three days before Valentines Day in hopes to find something not too tacky to take pictures of my then- 3 month old baby. As you can imagine, no luck. 

Hopefully less planning and shopping for you means more time to enjoy your little ones, and you can look forward to celebrating meaningful holidays and moments. 

I can't wait to see what you capture! 



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